On Sunday, eight people were killed in the violence that erupted during a farmers’ protest in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri area. Farmers have gathered to oppose Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya’s visit to Banbirpur.Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Misra Teni, the MP from Lakhimpur Kheri, is from Banbirpur. The event occurred in Tikunia village, which is linked to Banbirpur via a road that was seized by farmers protesting.
The Union minister was to be honoured during a prise giving event at a Tikunia school. The event was intended to be high-profile, which is why Uttar Pradesh’s Dy CM Maurya was invited as the primary guest. On Sunday, he was also scheduled to launch development projects in Lakhimpur Kheri. The farmers who were protesting were allegedly upset with Union minister Ajay Misra Teni for statements he made during a visit to Lakhimpur Kheri on September 25, which happened to be his birthday, when he addressed a farmers’ meeting in his Lok Sabha seat.
A group of farmers presented the minister with black flags during his visit, leading Ajay Misra Teni to warn them against ‘unruly’ behaviour during protests.On September 29, the protesting farmers allegedly convened a meeting, deciding to intensify their campaign and protest the visit of Union minister and Uttar Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister.
The farmers had gheraoed a makeshift helipad at a college in Tikunia village on Sunday. Keshav Prasad Maurya had planned to arrive by helicopter, but after learning of the farmers’ protest, he modified his plans. He chose to travel by car.When farmers learned that Maurya was travelling by road, they blocked the Tikunia-Banbirpur highway. The violence that resulted in the deaths of eight individuals occurred at this protest venue.
Four farmers, named as Nakshatra Singh (55), Daljeet Singh (35), Lavepreet Singh (20), and Gurvendra Singh (18), were killed when cars mowed down protestors on the Tikunia-Banbirpur route, according to the farmers’ bodies.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) claimed responsibility for four more killings. They were travelling in a vehicle when the protestors allegedly pulled them out and lynched them.
While the local administration, the farmers’ organisation, and BJP officials have acknowledged eight deaths in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence, sources have claimed that a journalist named Ratan Kashyap was killed.
Kashyap was reporting a violent occurrence for a television news programme. According to reports, he was struck by a fast car.
Union minister Ajay Misra Teni’s son Ashish was allegedly in one of the vehicles that drove over the protestors, according to the farmers.Ajay Misra Teni, for one, denied his son’s involvement in the event. Teni and his son both claimed to have proof of Ashish’s innocence.According to news reports, Ajay Misra Teni, a BJP worker, was beaten to death by “some elements” among protestors when the car they were travelling in became stuck due to stone pelting by the agitators.