Link building is one of several tactics used in search engine optimization (SEO), a method that is a signal to Google that your site can deliver better results to the user with a quality resource worthy of citation. Therefore the site which has more backlinks is successful in earning higher ranking.
But the technique of creating backlinks which was being used 2 years ago in SEO, now a lot has changed in it.
What Is SEO BackLink ?
SEO is the practice of getting link references for your website from other websites through link building, these links are called backlinks in SEO. Getting backlinks from high-quality websites gives your site power, as well as helps you rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs)
Why Is Link Building Important in SEO?
Let’s say you have great content, but your website is brand new and hasn’t earned much power yet. But these backlinks help Google to see your website as more authoritative when it receives links from other trusted websites.
SEO backlinks are essentially a vote of confidence for your website.
There are basically two ways you can create backlinks.
Dofollow backlink : DoFollow link passes the PageRank signal which helps in SEO context by sending the authority of the original website to the destination site and thereby increase in Google rank and domain authority.
No follow backlink : Nofollow links contain links with the rel=”nofollow” HTML tag. Which the nofollow tag tells the search engines to ignore that link.
9 Ways You Can Create Backlinks
- Guest blogging
- Social media promotion
- Editorial Backlinks.
- Relationship-based Backlinks
- Bookmarking
- Classifieds
- Image sharing
- Article Submission
- video Submission